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Public GPTs and ChatGPT community

Public GPTs and ChatGPT Community

AI tools are software applications that leverage artificial intelligence to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, ranging from recognizing patterns in data to generating creative content, translating languages, or even making complex decisions. 

This accessibility is a key factor in their growing popularity and impact, as it allows individuals and organizations of all sizes to use the power of AI for various applications.

Trained on huge amounts of text and code, GPTs can understand language details, answer questions, and create clear and relevant text on many different subjects. In industries as diverse as healthcare, finance, law, and marketing, GPTs are being employed to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and unlock new insights.

GPTs superpowers

The value of AI tools, and GPTs in particular, lies in their ability to help people in three main ways:


  • Automation of repetitive tasks – AI tools excel at handling tasks that involve structured data and follow predictable patterns. GPTs, for instance, can be trained to generate reports, summaries, or responses to common queries, freeing up human workers from these mundane activities.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) – GPTs utilize NLP techniques to understand and process human language, which allows them to parse large volumes of text, extract relevant information, and generate meaningful responses.
  • Machine Learning (ML) – AI tools leverage ML algorithms to learn from data and improve their performance over time. This means that as GPTs interact with more users and data, they become better at understanding nuances in language, predicting user intent, and generating more accurate and relevant responses.


  • Generative models – GPTs are based on generative models, which means they can create new content rather than just analyzing existing data.
  • Exploration of latent space – GPTs operate in a high-dimensional “latent space” where words and concepts are represented as vectors. By manipulating these vectors, GPTs can explore novel combinations of ideas.
  • Prompt engineering – Skilled prompting can guide GPTs to produce specific types of creative content, whether it’s a poem in a particular style, a marketing slogan, or a code snippet.


  • Data analysis and pattern recognition – AI tools, including GPTs, can analyze massive datasets to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies that humans might miss. 
  • Reasoning and inference – While GPTs are primarily language models, some advanced models are beginning to demonstrate rudimentary reasoning capabilities. 
  • Integration with knowledge bases – GPTs can be integrated with external knowledge bases or databases, enabling them to access and process huge amounts of structured information. 

What are public GPTs?

Public GPTs are language models that are made available to the public, either through open-source projects or through official channels provided by organizations like OpenAI (ChatGPT). These models allow developers and users to experiment, build applications, and conduct research without having to train their own models from scratch.

Public vs. tailored GPTs

Public GPTs and tailored GPTs offer distinct advantages depending on your goals and resources. Imagine public GPTs as a pocket knife – versatile and handy for a wide range of tasks. They’re great for experimentation, general language processing, and when budget is a concern.

On the other hand, tailored GPTs are like specialized scalpels, designed for precision and excellence in specific areas. They’re ideal when you need high performance in a particular domain, want strict control over the model’s output, or handle sensitive data.

FeaturePublic GPTsTailored GPTs
Access– Available to anyone, often for free or with a freemium model– Typically restricted to specific users or organizations, often requiring a subscription or payment
Customization– Limited or no customization options- The model is used as-is– Can be fine-tuned or customized with specific data, instructions, or preferences to better suit a particular task, industry, or user group
Data– Trained on massive, general datasets from the internet– Can be trained or fine-tuned on more specialized or proprietary data to enhance performance in specific domains or use cases
Purpose– General-purpose, capable of performing a wide range of language tasks– Designed for specific use cases, such as customer service, medical diagnosis, legal writing, or content creation in a particular niche
Performance– May not excel in niche areas or highly specialized tasks– Often outperforms public GPTs in specific tasks or domains due to their specialized training and customization
Examples– ChatGPT- Hugging Face Transformers
– GPTs tailored for specific companies, industries, or applications, such as medical GPTs for diagnosing diseases or legal GPTs for drafting contracts
Benefits– Democratizes AI – Fosters innovation- Easy to access and experiment with– Enhanced performance for specific tasks, greater control and customization, potentially improved data security and privacy
Drawbacks– May lack specialized knowledge or performance in niche areas- Can perpetuate biases– Can be costly to develop and maintain – May require expertise to fine-tune and customize effectively- Access may be limited to authorized users or organizations
Public vs Tailored GPTs

ChatGPT public GPTs

OpenAI has released various versions of the GPT model, including both official and community developed ones. Official GPTs, like GPT-3 and GPT-4, are directly released by OpenAI, boasting robust support, extensive training on diverse datasets, and reliable performance across a wide range of tasks. 

On the other hand, community GPTs are developed by third-party developers who extend, customize, or adapt the model for specific needs or innovative applications.

OpenAI values the active community of developers, researchers, and enthusiasts, and supports community-led projects that use their GPT technology. This strategy is similar to how Apple encouraged a thriving community of third-party app developers through its App Store. This not only enhanced the functionality and appeal of the iPhone but also drove significant revenue and innovation.

In contrast, BlackBerry’s tightly controlled ecosystem limited third-party developers from creating fresh apps and services for their platform. They were often criticized for not being receptive to user feedback and slow to include popular features and designs, leading to a dated and unappealing user experience. Consequently, BlackBerry’s market share shrank as users moved to Apple’s more open, innovative, and user-friendly platform.

This highlights the importance of supporting community-driven innovation in the tech world. OpenAI’s approach of fostering a collaborative environment allows them to access a vast pool of talent and creativity, accelerating the development and application of their GPT models while ensuring they remain at the forefront of natural language processing advancements.

Of course, ChatGPT is not the only remarkable AI out there. As you can see in the examples listed above, there are also powerful alternatives like Hugging Face Transformers. If you’re interested in learning more about it and trying it out for yourself, simply click on the link.

ChatGPT community developed GPTs

The ChatGPT community has been actively creating and sharing a variety of public GPTs designed for specific purposes. These custom versions of ChatGPT are tailored to meet the needs of different users, offering unique capabilities and functionalities. In order to gain access to these GPTs, a subscription to ChatGPT Plus is necessary, which comes with a monthly fee of $20.

At the time of writing, the following 3 GPTs have risen to the top, gaining attention and praise for their capabilities and user-friendly interfaces. Let’s review them!

  1.  Image generator (by NAIF J ALOTAIBI)

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (3.6/5)

Image generation using AI involves creating visuals from scratch based on textual descriptions or other input parameters. They have a wide range of applications, including: art and design, marketing, entertainment and education.

The ChatGPT Plus plugin Image generator by NAIF J ALOTAIBI is a tool that empowers users to create impressive visuals directly within the ChatGPT interface. Curious about the plugin’s functionality, we inquired about it, to which he responded with an explanation:

I am using DALL-E, an advanced image generation model developed by OpenAI. It takes detailed text prompts and generates images based on those descriptions. When you provide me with specific details about the image you want, I use DALL-E to create the corresponding visual representation.”

Logo design with Image generator

We put the abilities of the top-ranked GPT on the list to the test by asking it to design a logo for a pet friendly Chinese restaurant. The initial response we received was a textual description of the logo, but it lacked a visual representation. 

After prompting the GPT to provide an image, the second attempt generated a visual representation of the logo:

First logo version generated with Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

Although this version of the logo is quite good, especially without specifying the exact details we were looking for. The tool intuitively incorporated red and gold, colors that traditionally symbolize luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. 

We wondered if the image generator function works in the free version of ChatGPT, GPT-4o. At first, we only received a textual description of the logo. Upon requesting to actually see the picture, the response was:

I can’t create images right now. Can I help you with something else? Perhaps I can provide a detailed description or help with another query!‘”

The free version of ChatGPT-4o provides access to the general capabilities of the GPT-4 architecture, but it does not include the tailored functionality and specialized tools that Image generator GPT offers.

However, for our second attempt with ChatGPT Pro, we requested the logo again, but this time in a hyper realistic style with some details of traditional Chinese dishes, and received:

Second logo version generated with Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

Following the successful creation of a hyper-realistic version of the logo, we embarked on a new experiment. We isolated specific components of the image for modification. To test the capabilities of the generative AI, we selected a dog within the image and instructed it to replace it with a different breed. Unexpectedly, instead of generating a poodle or a German shepherd, the AI introduced another cat into the image. 

Third logo version. Source: ChatGPT

Well, you’ve probably heard of the famous movie “In China They Eat Dogs”, so maybe it’s not so unusual that one got lost in the meantime.

Despite its initial mistake, the generator made up for it with its later performance. When prompted with the question “Where did the dog go?”, the tool acknowledged its mistake, apologized, and provided a corrected version. It replaced the cat in the original sentence with a dog, and then added another dog, which we can interpret as a gesture of apology for the previous error.

Final logo version generated with Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

In any case, we must acknowledge that the image quality is truly impressive. One thing is certain: “No animals were harmed” for this purpose.

Fantasy novel illustration with Image generator

Apart from logo design, this GPT can be used for various purposes. Therefore, we decided to create an illustration for a fantasy novel with a detailed description provided, which stated:

“A towering castle sits atop a jagged cliff, its spires reaching into a stormy sky lit by flashes of lightning. The castle is ancient, with ivy-covered stone walls and banners flapping in the wind. Below the cliff, a dark, enchanted forest stretches out, filled with twisted trees and glowing, mysterious creatures. In the foreground, a brave knight in shining armor stands on a rocky outcrop, looking up at the castle with determination. He holds a gleaming sword, and his cape billows in the wind. Beside him, a mystical creature, perhaps a dragon or a griffin, stands ready for the adventure ahead.”

Fantasy novel illustration with Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

The tool excels at fulfilling tasks with precision, adeptly incorporating all necessary details. As such, the Image generator is an excellent resource for creating art references and can be a crucial source of inspiration when you’re in need of fresh ideas.

Next, we explored changing the art style by placing our brave knight into the surreal world of Salvador Dali. The outcome was truly impressive:

Fantasy world of Salvador Dali. Source: ChatGPT

Generating images of real people

So far, we have seen that the Image generator can serve as a useful tool for creating logos or illustrations of various artistic styles, but is it capable of creating a poster for a rock concert of a real band? We asked the tool to create a Beatles concert poster and got the answer:

I’m unable to generate the image of The Beatles due to content policy restrictions. If you have any other requests or need a different type of image, please let me know!

Since we didn’t want to give up after one failed attempt, we asked him to try with another band, for example Pink Floyd, and the result was interesting:

Pink Floyd concert poster by Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

Although we didn’t get a written explanation this time and the tool produced a poster with relevant details, we can all agree that the image does not show the actual members of the band, and the name “Pinnk Flyaiiid” itself seems a bit strange.

In this example, we can see that OpenAI prioritizes safety and responsible use, which includes avoiding generating images that could be harmful or misleading.

Overall assessment

The Image generator plugin by NAIF J ALOTAIBI is a valuable addition to the ChatGPT Plus toolkit. Its user-friendly interface, great image quality, and potential for creative inspiration make it a worthwhile tool for many users. While its customization options are currently limited, its seamless integration with ChatGPT Plus and overall performance make it a promising tool for generating visuals on the fly.

Pros and cons


  • Intuitive Interface – The plugin integrates seamlessly with ChatGPT Plus, making it easy to access and use. The prompt-based input is intuitive, even for users without technical design skills.
  • Image quality – The generated images are often of surprisingly high quality, exhibiting detail and realism. The plugin can handle a variety of styles, from photorealistic to artistic interpretations.
  • Customization options – While not as extensive as dedicated image editing software, the plugin offers basic customization options like image size and aspect ratio, allowing some control over the final output.
  • Creative Inspiration – Image generator can be a powerful tool for sparking creativity. By experimenting with different prompts, users can discover new visual concepts and perspectives.
  • Accessibility – This plugin is readily accessible to those already using the platform, expanding the potential use cases of the AI chatbot.


  • Limited customization – Advanced users may find the customization options somewhat lacking. More fine-grained control over elements like color palettes, composition, and individual object details would be welcome additions.
  • Occasional inconsistencies – Like many AI-based tools, the plugin’s output can be inconsistent at times. Some prompts may produce unexpected results or require multiple iterations to achieve the desired visual.
  • Dependence on ChatGPT Plus – The plugin is exclusive to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, limiting its availability to a wider audience.


  • For casual users and content creators
  • For artists and designers
  • For anyone interested in AI-powered creativity
  1.  Write for me (by puzzle.today)

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4.2/5)

Write for me, a customized version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, presents itself as a tool designed to cater to diverse content creation needs. With its focus on personalization and adaptability, this model aims to streamline the writing process for a variety of users, including writers, marketers, and content creators. It claims to offer enhanced features that distinguish it from more general AI models, potentially making it a valuable asset in various writing endeavors.

Write for me for book summaries

To test its capabilities, we asked Write for me to create a detailed 200-word summary of “Romeo and Juliet.” Here’s the result:

“Romeo and Juliet,” a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is a timeless tale of young love doomed by familial strife. Set in Verona, the play follows the passionate romance between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, whose families are embroiled in a bitter feud. Despite the animosity between their kin, Romeo and Juliet fall deeply in love at first sight and secretly marry the next day.

Their love, however, is met with a series of tragic events. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, kills Romeo’s friend Mercutio, prompting Romeo to avenge his death by killing Tybalt. Romeo is subsequently banished from Verona. In a desperate bid to be reunited with Romeo, Juliet takes a potion that makes her appear dead. However, Romeo, unaware of the plan, believes Juliet has truly died and takes his own life beside her. When Juliet awakens and finds Romeo dead, she also commits suicide.

The deaths of Romeo and Juliet ultimately reconcile their feuding families, underscoring the senselessness of the conflict. “Romeo and Juliet” explores themes of love, fate, and the destructive nature of hatred, cementing its place as one of the most enduring works in literary history.”

Limitations of Write for me

Let’s say we asked Write For Me to summarize “Romeo and Juliet” without specifying the word count, key themes, or important plot points to include. The resulting summary might look something like this:

“Romeo and Juliet is a play by William Shakespeare. It’s about two young lovers from feuding families who fall in love and get married secretly. They face many challenges due to their families’ hatred for each other. In the end, both Romeo and Juliet die tragically, which eventually reconciles their families.”

This summary lacks depth and detail, failing to capture the complexity of the plot and the themes of love, fate, and conflict. It doesn’t mention significant events like Tybalt’s and Mercutio’s deaths, Romeo’s banishment, or Juliet’s fake death.

This example demonstrates that without clear, detailed instructions, the tool may produce incomplete or superficial content.

A word of caution

So, while Write for me can be a useful tool for understanding and summarizing complex texts, it doesn’t mean that students should stop reading school literature. Reading classics like “Romeo and Juliet” is way better. It makes you think critically, feel for the characters, and understand history and culture better. AI tools can help, but it’s not the same as reading and understanding a book yourself.

Write for me in marketing purposes

Next, we tasked Write for me GPT with the challenge of crafting a compelling product description for a red screwdriver. The model promptly responded with the following:

“Introducing our Red Screwdriver, the ideal tool for all your DIY and professional projects. With an ergonomic red handle designed for maximum comfort and grip, it reduces hand fatigue during extended use. The high-quality steel shaft ensures durability and reliable performance, while the magnetic tip holds screws securely, making tasks more efficient. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned professionals, this versatile screwdriver is a must-have for any toolbox. Its striking red color ensures it stands out, making it easy to locate. Upgrade your toolkit with the Red Screwdriver – where quality meets convenience.”

Write for me can be useful for creating product descriptions that can be used across various contexts. For example, the description for a red screwdriver can be placed on e-commerce websites like Amazon or your own online store to attract potential buyers. It can also be included in product catalogs to provide detailed information, or in marketing materials such as brochures and flyers to highlight the screwdriver’s features. 

Let’s now use this description in the Image generator to observe how it generates an image for our catalog.

Red screwdriver generated by Image generator. Source: ChatGPT

Combining text and image generation for marketing purposes resulted in a highly successful outcome, enhancing the quality and appeal of our marketing materials. This integrated approach proved to be an effective strategy, producing content that is both engaging and visually compelling.

Customizing the writing style

To test this feature, we will experiment with changing the writing style. For this example, we’ll take the lyrics of the children’s song “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and transform it into a song written in the style of Roger Waters. This should demonstrate the tool’s ability to adapt and rewrite content to fit a specific style or tone. Lets compare the lyrics:

Original version:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

When the blazing sun is gone,

When he nothing shines upon,

Then you show your little light,

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Then the traveler in the dark

Thanks you for your tiny spark;

He could not see which way to go,

If you did not twinkle so.

In the dark blue sky you keep,

And often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye

Till the sun is in the sky.

As your bright and tiny spark

Lights the traveler in the dark,

Though I know not what you are,

Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Roger Waters version:

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

Lost amidst the cosmic scar,

Glimmering through the darkened veil,

In this vast and endless tale.

Twinkle, twinkle, shining far,

Echoes of what once we are,

Dreams that fade and shadows cast,

In the light of futures past.

Silent whispers in the night,

Guiding us with fragile light,

Questions linger in the void,

Hope and fear, forever toyed.

A broken world beneath your gaze,

Countless souls in endless maze,

Twinkle, twinkle, from afar,

Tell us who we really are.

Stars above, in silent scream,

Shattered hopes and broken dreams,

In your glow, we find our way,

Through the night to a new day.

Overall assessment

Write for me Public GPT is a versatile writing tool that offers tailored solutions to meet specific user needs. It can help you with all sorts of writing tasks, from creating custom content to managing your word count. It’s great for people who want to write engaging content that’s also optimized for search engines. However, the advanced features are not available in the free version, which may limit accessibility for some users. And if you’re new to using it, there might be a bit of a learning curve. But once you get the hang of it, Write for me, public GPT, can be a really helpful tool for creating high-quality content.

Pros and cons


  • User-centric customization – Tailors content to specific user needs, ensuring alignment with intended use, target audience, tone, word count, and style.
  • Detailed outlines and structured content – Creates detailed outlines and structured content that is well-organized and easy to follow. Also, helps in breaking down complex instructions into manageable sections with clear summaries.
  • Word count management – Efficiently tracks word count, ensuring adherence to specified limits. 
  • Creative expansion and enrichment – The tool employs strategies to enhance content by adding bullet points, interesting facts, and expanded discussions.
  • Content quality and SEO integration– Integrates SEO strategies to optimize content for better search engine visibility.


  • Limited accessibility in free versions – The specific features and customization offered by Write for Me Public GPT are not available in the free ChatGPT versions


  • Dependence on detailed instructions – The quality of output heavily depends on the clarity and detail of the instructions provided by the user. Therefore, users unfamiliar with AI tools might need guidance to use the full potential of the model.
  • Potential for over-reliance – Users might become overly reliant on the tool for content creation, potentially hindering their own writing skill development.


  • For writers seeking inspiration
  • For students and researchers
  • For anyone looking for feedback
  1. Scholar GPT (by awesomegpts.ai)

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (4.2/5)

Scholar GPT is presented as a research assistant with advanced capabilities in data analysis, visualization, and mathematical computation. It is designed to access and process information from diverse online sources, potentially offering valuable support to researchers, students, and professionals in various fields.

Solving and visualizing mathematical problem

Let’s try to solve a complex math problem and visualize it with Scholar GPT. We asked tool to find the roots of the polynomial equation x3−6x2+11x−6=0.


To solve this problem, we can use Python to find the roots and then visualize the polynomial and its roots on a graph.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Find the roots of the polynomial equation:

The roots of the polynomial equation can be found using numerical methods in Python. Let’s use the numpy library to find the roots.

  1. Visualize the polynomial and its roots:

We can plot the polynomial function and highlight its roots on the graph using matplotlib.

Let’s proceed with the code:

Visual display of math problem through code. Source:ChatGPT


  • Finding the roots: We use numpy.roots to find the roots of the polynomial.
  • Plotting the polynomial: We plot the polynomial using matplotlib.
  • Highlighting the roots: We use plt.scatter to mark the roots on the graph.

Let’s run the code to get the results.

Graphic representation of a math problem. Source: ChatGPT

The roots of the polynomial equation :x3−6×2+11x−6=0 are x=1,x=2, and x=3

The plot above shows the polynomial function x3−6×2+11x−6 and highlights the roots on the graph. The roots are marked with red dots at the points where the polynomial intersects the x-axis.

While none of us here are mathematicians, and we’re certainly not about to start delivering lectures or publishing in prestigious journals, we must admit that this solution is quite fascinating. Sure, we can’t guarantee it’s correct, but hey, it looks impressive, doesn’t it?

Web research task

Let’s now perform a web research task. We’ll assign a task on Scholar GPT to search for academic papers on a specific topic, summarize the findings, and provide key points and citations.

Here is the output:

Topic: “Machine learning in healthcare”

I’ll start by searching for academic papers on this topic.

Step 1: Search for Academic Papers

Searching for recent academic papers on “Machine Learning in Healthcare”…

Let’s fetch the results.

Error talking to

It seems there was an issue with fetching the academic papers. Let me try another method to get the relevant papers for “Machine Learning in Healthcare”.

Let’s proceed with a different approach.

Google Scholar Search

I will perform a search for academic papers on “Machine Learning in Healthcare” using an alternative method.

Talked to actions.sider.ai

Here are some academic papers and articles on “Machine Learning in Healthcare”:

Selected Papers and Articles:

  1. Unlocking efficiency: machine learning in healthcare
    • Summary: This article discusses how machine learning is being deployed across health systems to drive efficiency and save money.
    • Key Points:
      • Deployment of machine learning in health systems.
      • Enhancing efficiency and cost savings.
  1. Machine Learning for Healthcare – MIT OpenCourseWare
    • Summary: This course introduces students to machine learning in healthcare, including the nature of clinical data and the use of machine learning for risk stratification and disease prediction.
    • Key Points:
      • Understanding clinical data.
      • Use of machine learning for risk stratification.
  1. Machine learning in healthcare – Nature
    • Summary: This collection of articles from Nature explores the accelerating power of machine learning in diagnosing diseases and sorting/classifying health data.
    • Key Points:
      • Machine learning in disease diagnosis.
      • Health data classification.
  1. Machine Learning In Healthcare: 10 Use Cases, Examples & Benefits
    • Summary: This article provides various use cases and examples of machine learning applications in healthcare, highlighting the benefits of using large medical data sets to facilitate clinical decision-making.
    • Key Points:
      • Insights from large medical data sets.
      • Improved clinical decision-making.
  1. Benefits of Machine Learning in Healthcare – ForeSee Medical
    • Summary: The article discusses how machine learning can be used to develop better diagnostic tools to analyze medical images.
    • Key Points:
      • Development of diagnostic tools.
      • Analysis of medical images using machine learning.

From this example, we can see how the tool, regardless of the fact that it encountered an error at the beginning, automatically approached alternative methods and provided us with the required output.

Real-time data access

To test this feature, we took as an example the value of cryptocurrencies, which varies from minute to minute. We asked Scholar GPT to tell us what the current market value of Bitcoin is, and it stated:

The current price of Bitcoin is approximately $71,299.60 USD.

For real-time updates, please refer to financial websites or cryptocurrency exchanges as prices can fluctuate rapidly.”

To verify the information’s accuracy, we visited CoinMarketCap, a website that offers live cryptocurrency data and insights. According to the website, the current value of Bitcoin is $71,294.52, which is quite accurate.

Bitcoin price. Source: CoinMarketCap

Overall assessment

Scholar GPT maintains a professional and informative tone, ideal for academic and technical assistance. It prioritizes factual accuracy and clarity, offering detailed explanations and thorough answers to queries. The interface is user-friendly, and the integration of advanced search and data processing tools makes it a seamless experience for users seeking in-depth research support.

Pros and cons


  • Advanced research capabilities – Access to a wide range of academic papers, articles, and patents.
  • Data analysis and visualization – Robust support for Python libraries to analyze and visualize data.
  • Mathematical proficiency – Capable of solving complex mathematical problems and symbolic math.
  • Text and sentiment analysis – Utilizes NLP techniques for detailed text analysis and sentiment detection.
  • Real-time data access – Provides up-to-date information from various sources like stock markets and weather 


  • Limited offline capabilities – Requires internet access for most functions and data retrieval.
  • Dependency on external data sources – Accuracy and completeness of information depend on external databases and sources.


  • Learning curve for complex features – Advanced features like Python-based data analysis may require some user expertise.
  • Limited personalization – Responses are generalized and may lack context-specific customization.


  • For researchers, students and academics
  • For business analysts and decision makers
  • For writers and content creators


In our exploration, we tested three of the top-rated public GPTs as recognized by the ChatGPT community, and each demonstrated unique strengths.  As technology evolves, new and more advanced GPTs will undoubtedly emerge, potentially reshuffling the current rankings. 

In addition to the reviewed GPTs, the following are also on the list:

  • Canva – Graphic design platform that allows users to create a wide variety of visual content, such as social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual assets.
  • Consensus – Research and data analysis tool designed to help users find and summarize scientific research and data.
  • Logo creator – Tool or software designed to help users create custom logos for businesses, brands, or personal projects.

One of the reasons ChatGPT is so popular is because it lets other people create and share their own tools. This means that there are always new and better tools coming out, so we can always have the latest and greatest capabilities.

What are you waiting for? Give them a try and see for yourself!

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