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Hugging Face platform

Hugging Face’s story began in 2016 in New York, when a group of passionate machine learning enthusiasts – Clément Delangue,…

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Hugging Face Platform
Featured | AI News

Hugging Face platform

Hugging Face’s story began in 2016 in New York, when a group of passionate machine learning enthusiasts – Clément Delangue, Julien Chaumond, and Thomas Wolf, set out to create a platform that would empower developers and users to build and…

Public GPTs and ChatGPT Community
ChatGPT News | AI News | Featured

Public GPTs and ChatGPT community

AI tools are software applications that leverage artificial intelligence to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, ranging from recognizing patterns in data to generating creative content, translating languages, or even making complex decisions.  This accessibility is a key factor…

Enterprise Impact of Generative AI
Featured | AI News | News

Enterprise Impact of Generative AI

In the past year, generative artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become a key focus in business and technology. In fact, a McKinsey Global Survey revealed last year that one third of respondents organizations are already using generative AI regularly in…