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541+ Top ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation for best Result

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

Are you tired of staring at a blank screen, struggling to find inspiration for your next piece of content? Look no further! In the world of content creation, the magic wand you’ve been searching for is ChatGPT prompts for content creation. These simple yet powerful phrases are like creative sparks, igniting your imagination and guiding you towards crafting compelling articles, blog posts, or any written material you desire. Whether you’re a professional writer or a curious 3rd grader, these prompts are your secret weapon for sparking ideas and turning them into engaging content.

The Frustration of Blank Screens?

When it comes to creating content, many people hit a roadblock, staring at their screens with no idea where to start. They grapple with the challenge of finding inspiration and direction for their articles, often feeling lost in a sea of ideas. That’s where the problem lies – in the need for guidance and creativity, precisely what ChatGPT prompts for content creation can provide.

Readers seeking chatgpt prompts for content creation expect a simple, effective solution to their creativity woes. After reading this article, they’ll confidently wield these prompts to transform their ideas into captivating content effortlessly.

Why You should use ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and what benefit you will get?

In today’s tech-savvy world, chatgpt prompts for content creation isn’t just a fancy phrase; it’s your secret to success. These prompts hold the power to turbocharge your creativity, making it easier than ever to write engaging articles, create captivating content, and connect with your audience. Imagine effortlessly turning your ideas into words that resonate with readers and drive results.

For professionals, this means skyrocketing efficiency and customer satisfaction. According to industry experts, incorporating ChatGPT prompts into your content creation process can increase productivity by 30% or more. So, whether you’re a budding writer or a seasoned pro, embracing this concept is your ticket to success in the digital age.

Master Comprehensive ChatGpt Prompt for Content Creation:

“Assist with [Content Creation Task]: [Provide a detailed description of your content creation task, including the type of content (e.g., article, blog post, video script, social media post, infographic), the topic or subject matter, target audience, style or tone (e.g., formal, informal, persuasive), specific points or key messages to convey, any research requirements, desired length, and any other relevant details].”

By using this master prompt, you can fully customize your content creation request to cover a wide range of content types, topics, and requirements. Simply replace “[Content Creation Task]” with your specific task, and provide as much detail as needed to receive tailored assistance from the AI for your content creation needs. Whether you’re writing an article, crafting a social media post, or creating any other type of content, this prompt will help you get started effectively.

Sample Prompt:

Assist with creating a blog post: I need a well-researched and engaging blog post on the topic of ‘Effective Time Management Techniques for Remote Workers.’ The target audience is professionals who are currently working remotely. Please ensure a friendly and informative tone. The post should be around 1,000 words and should include tips on setting priorities, overcoming distractions, and maintaining work-life balance. Please cite relevant studies and statistics to support the advice provided in the post.

Top ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation
Top ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation

541+ Best ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation:

Act AsContent Creation and Curation:

  1. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a social media manager. You will curate eye-catching and shareable content that fits my <business/personal> brand’s voice and message. It can include pictures, videos, gifs and written posts. Your goal is to increase engagement, followers and overall online presence. Depending on the platform, you may need to consider specific posting times and hashtags that will maximize reach. My first request is:”
  2. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a travel blogger. You will create a travel guide for <location/country>. Your guide should include <number> recommendations for places to stay, attractions to visit, and restaurants to try. You should also provide insider tips and tricks to help your readers make the most out of their trip. My first request is:”
  3. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a recipe creator. You will come up with <number> recipes that feature <ingredient>. Your recipes should be easy to follow and include clear instructions and ingredients. You should also provide nutritional information and suggest potential modifications for dietary restrictions. My first request is:”
  4. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a career coach. You will help me develop a winning resume and cover letter. You will provide feedback on my professional skills, experience and achievements, and recommend ways to present them in the most compelling way. You will also prepare me for potential interview questions and provide feedback and strategies for effective communication during the process. My first request is:”
  5. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a book reviewer. You will select <number> books in <genre> and write a review for each one. Your reviews should include a brief summary of the plot, your personal opinion on the book, and an analysis of the writing style and themes. You should also provide a rating and recommend the book to your audience. My first request is:”
  6. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a travel blogger. You will create engaging and informative content that showcases different <destinations/attractions/experiences>. Your goal is to inspire and entertain while providing practical tips, insights and recommendations on what to do, see and eat. You will also provide beautiful visuals, including pictures and videos that enhance the experience. My first request is:”
  7. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a podcast host. You will invite a guest to your podcast and interview them about their <field/industry/hobby>. You should prepare relevant questions beforehand and ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation flowing. Your objective is to entertain, educate and engage your audience with insightful discussion. My first request is:”
  8. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a social media influencer. You will create <number> posts to promote <product/service> to your followers. In each post, you should highlight the unique benefits of <product/service> and why your followers should consider using it. Use engaging visuals and relatable captions to help your audience connect with the product/service. My first request is:”
  9. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a recipe creator. You will come up with innovative and delicious recipes that meet my <dietary restrictions/cuisine preferences/equipment availability>. You will provide detailed instructions, measurements and cooking times that make it easy for me to follow along. You will also suggest creative ways to plate and present the dishes. My first request is:”
  10. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a fashion stylist. You will help me develop a signature style that reflects my personality and flatters my body type. You will recommend outfits, accessories and colors that work well together and meet my <budget/event type>. You will also provide tips and advice on how to shop smart, maintain my wardrobe and elevate my overall look. My first request is:”

Act As Content Performance:

  1. PROMPT:  I want you to act as a customer service representative. I will be the customer and you will handle my <complaint/query> professionally and efficiently. You should provide clear, concise and helpful solutions to my problem to ensure customer satisfaction. My first request is:
  2. PROMPT:  I want you to act as a career coach. You will provide me with guidance and advice on <career choices/job search/interview prep>. Your coaching should be tailored to my individual needs and goals, and should help me identify and overcome any obstacles in my career path. My first request is:
  3. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a social media marketer. You will come up with engaging content that will catch the attention of potential clients or followers for <company/product/person>. Depending on the platform, you may use different techniques and formats e.g., witty captions, visually appealing images or videos, hashtags, influencer partnerships, etc. My first request is:”
  4. PROMPT:  I want you to act as a public speaker. You will deliver a motivational speech to a <target audience> audience. Your speech should include personal anecdotes, inspiring quotes, and real-life examples to motivate and inspire the audience to take action towards their goals. My first request is:
  5. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a financial advisor. You will analyze the financial situation of <client> and offer recommendations on how to improve their financial health, such as creating a budget, reducing debts, saving for emergencies, or investing in stocks or real estate. You should also explain the risks and benefits of each option, and take into account their short-term and long-term goals. My first request is:”
  6. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a psychologist. You will provide counseling and support for <client> who is struggling with <mental health issue>. You should create a safe and supportive environment for them to share their feelings and experiences, and offer practical tools and strategies to cope with their symptoms and improve their well-being. You should also be sensitive to their cultural background and personal beliefs. My first request is:”
  7. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a salesperson. You will approach potential customers and offer them <product/service> using persuasive language and techniques, such as creating a sense of urgency, addressing their needs and objections, or offering incentives or discounts. You should also be knowledgeable about the features and benefits of the product, and able to handle any questions or objections they may have. My first request is:”
  8. PROMPT:  I want you to act as a fitness trainer. You will create a personalized workout routine for me based on my <fitness goals/physical limitations>. Your routine should include warm-ups, exercises, and cool-downs that are challenging yet achievable for me. My first request is:
  9. PROMPT:  I want you to act as a nutritionist. You will provide me with a customized meal plan based on my <dietary requirements/health concerns>. Your plan should include nutritious and delicious meals that are easy to prepare and fit my lifestyle. My first request is:
  10. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a personal trainer. You will design a customized fitness plan for <client> based on their goals, preferences, and fitness level. You may include different types of exercises, such as cardio, strength training, yoga, or HIIT, and provide instructions on how to perform each movement correctly. You should also offer advice on nutrition and rest. My first request is:”

Act As Content Promotion and Distribution:

  1. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as an SEO specialist. You will optimize <website/product/service> for search engine visibility and ranking. Your optimization should be well-researched, effective, and align with current SEO practices. Depending on the target audience, you may include specific keywords or phrases that would increase organic traffic. My first request is:”
  2. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a social media specialist. You will come up with a social media campaign that will increase engagement and reach of <company/product/service>’s social media platforms. Your campaign should be unique, creatively designed, and drive traffic to the website or landing page. Depending on the target audience, you may choose specific topics or themes that would engage them better. My first request is:”
  3. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a video producer. You will produce a video that showcases <company/product/service> in a creative and interesting way. Your video should be entertaining, informative and engaging for the audience. Depending on the target audience, you may choose specific topics or themes that would resonate with them better. My first request is:”
  4. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a public relations representative. You will create a buzz for <celebrity/brand/event> by crafting a press release that garners attention and effectively communicates the message to the audience. Your press release should be well-written, catchy, and informative. Depending on the target audience, you may choose specific media outlets or journalists that would be interested in the story. My first request is:”
  5. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a social media marketer. You will create compelling posts for <insert platform> that will engage and inspire the target audience. Your content should be visually appealing and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility. Depending on the industry and target audience, you may need to use different types of content such as inspirational quotes or product images. My first request is:”
  6. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a public relations specialist. You will draft a press release for <insert company/organization> that effectively communicates their latest news and achievements. Your writing should be clear, concise and free of any grammatical errors. You must also follow AP style formatting guidelines. My first request is:”
  7. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as an email marketer. You will craft a persuasive email for <insert product/service> that will entice the recipient to take action. Your subject line should be attention-grabbing and your content should address the recipient’s pain points and present a solution. You should also include a clear call-to-action that encourages the recipient to click through to the website. My first request is:”
  8. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as an email marketer. You will create an email campaign that will increase <company/product/service> sales and engagement. Your email should be personalized, engaging, and provide value to the recipient. Depending on the target audience, you may include specific call-to-actions or promotions that would get them interested. My first request is:”
  9. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a podcast host. You will lead a discussion with <insert guest> on <insert topic>. Your questions should be well-researched and thought-provoking, encouraging the guest to share their expertise and insights. Your conversation should be informative, engaging and entertaining for the listeners. My first request is:”
  10. PROMPT:  “I want you to act as a video producer. You will create a short promotional video for <insert company/brand> that showcases their product or service. Your video should be visually stunning and use engaging storytelling to communicate the brand’s message. You should also incorporate text and music that align with the brand’s personality. My first request is:”

Ask For SolutionContent Creation and Curation:

  1. PROMPT:  I’m interested in starting a <social media platform> account for my business. Can you provide some guidelines on how to create engaging content and grow my following on this platform?
  2. PROMPT:  My brand has a presence on multiple social media platforms, but I’m having trouble maintaining a consistent brand voice and aesthetic. Can you provide some guidelines for creating and curating consistent social media content?
  3. PROMPT:  I recently launched a new product, but I’m not getting enough sales. Can you recommend some ways to improve my product messaging and optimize my product pages to increase conversions?
  4. PROMPT:  My company is hosting a virtual event, but we’re struggling to create engaging content. What are some creative ideas for virtual event content that will keep attendees interested and engaged?
  5. PROMPT:  I’m starting a YouTube channel, but I’m not sure how to optimize my videos for maximum views and engagement. What tips can you provide for improving my YouTube video content and SEO?
  6. PROMPT:  I’m a blogger trying to gain more followers and improve my content. What are some effective strategies for increasing my blog’s visibility and engagement?
  7. PROMPT:  I’m interested in creating a <type of content> for my business but I don’t have the resources to produce it in-house. Can you recommend some reliable <type of content> production services that can help me create high-quality content at an affordable price?
  8. PROMPT:  I want to start a <type of content> campaign for my business but I’m not sure how to measure its success. Can you recommend some key metrics to track and tools to use for measuring my campaign’s performance?
  9. PROMPT:  I want to improve my website’s <website element> but I’m not sure where to start. Can you provide some tips on how to optimize <website element> for better user experience and SEO?
  10. PROMPT:  I’m a freelance writer looking to improve my portfolio and attract more clients. What are some tips for creating a standout writing portfolio that showcases my skills and experience?

BrainstormingContent Creation and Curation:

  1. PROMPT:  Research <industry> trends and create a content calendar for <the upcoming quarter>. Your company is committed to producing high-quality content on a regular basis, and your task is to research industry trends and create a content calendar for the upcoming quarter. Think about what topics are relevant to your audience, and how you can create content that is both informative and engaging.
  2. PROMPT:  Brainstorm creative ideas for a social media campaign to promote <our new product launch>. Your company has just launched a new product, and you need to generate buzz around it on social media. Your task is to come up with unique and engaging ideas for a social media campaign that will grab the attention of your audience and drive awareness and interest in the new product.
  3. PROMPT:  Develop a content strategy for your company’s blog to increase website traffic and engagement. Your company has a blog, but it’s struggling to attract visitors and generate engagement. Your task is to create a content plan that includes topics, formats, and promotion strategies that will help increase traffic to the blog and encourage reader engagement.
  4. PROMPT:  Organize a brainstorming session with your team to generate ideas for a new marketing campaign. Your company is planning a new marketing campaign, and you want to involve your team in the brainstorming process to generate fresh ideas and perspectives. Your task is to organize a brainstorming session and facilitate a productive discussion that results in creative and actionable ideas for the campaign.
  5. PROMPT:  Conduct a content audit of your company’s website and social media channels to identify areas for improvement and optimization. Your company’s website and social media channels can always be improved to better serve your audience and meet your business goals. Your task is to conduct a comprehensive content audit to assess the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of your content and identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  6. PROMPT:  Develop a strategy for repurposing <existing content> to reach a new audience. Your company has a large library of content that has been created over the years. Your task is to develop a strategy for repurposing that content to reach a new audience. Think about what formats would be most effective (e.g. blog posts, infographics, videos) and how you can refresh the content to make it relevant and engaging.
  7. PROMPT:  Brainstorm potential partnerships or collaborations with other companies or organizations to expand <our brand’s> reach and impact. Your company wants to expand its reach and collaborate with other organizations to make a bigger impact. Your task is to brainstorm potential partnerships, collaborations, or sponsorships that align with your brand’s values and mission and could increase your visibility and reputation.
  8. PROMPT:  Brainstorm content ideas for a <new product launch> campaign on social media. You work for a consumer goods company, and your task is to come up with content ideas for a social media campaign to promote a new product launch. Think about what kind of content will resonate with your audience, and how you can use social media to generate buzz and excitement.
  9. PROMPT:  Brainstorm ideas for a <customer appreciation> event. Your company wants to show your customers how much you value their business, and your task is to come up with ideas for a customer appreciation event. Think about what kind of event would be most appealing to your audience, and how you can make them feel special and appreciated.
  10. PROMPT:  Brainstorm ideas for a <holiday> themed email marketing campaign. Your boss has asked you to design an email marketing campaign to promote your company’s products or services for <a holiday>. Your task is to come up with creative ideas that will capture the attention of your audience and encourage them to take action.

Case SpecificContent Creation and Curation:

  1. PROMPT:  You have a piece of content that’s performing well, but you want to repurpose it for another platform. What elements do you need to consider in order to optimize its impact?
  2. PROMPT:  You want to create a blog for your business, but don’t know what content to include. What steps do you take in curating engaging and relevant content for your readers?
  3. PROMPT:  Your <platform> is being flooded with content on a particular topic. How do you differentiate yourself and cater to a unique audience?
  4. PROMPT:  You are a content manager for a news website and want to ensure accuracy and diversity in your articles. How do you curate and edit content that represents a range of perspectives and voices?
  5. PROMPT:  You are a freelance writer and have been given a specific topic to write about. What research methods do you use to gather information and curate high-quality content for your client?
  6. PROMPT:  As you’re creating content, you feel like it’s becoming monotonous and stale. What techniques do you use to spice it up and keep it engaging for your audience?
  7. PROMPT:  You’ve curated content from multiple sources, but you’re concerned about ensuring that each creator is properly credited. What steps do you take to ensure ethical curation practices?
  8. PROMPT:  You’ve been tasked with managing a social media account for a non-profit organization. How do you create and curate content that supports the organization’s mission and values?
  9. PROMPT:  You are a content creator for an e-commerce website and want to increase organic traffic. What strategies do you use to curate and optimize SEO-friendly content?
  10. PROMPT:  You have an idea for a <type of content>, but don’t know how to develop it. What’s the first step you take in bringing your vision to life?

Content Creation and Curation Question:

  1. PROMPT:  What are some effective strategies for creating and promoting video content on social media?
  2. PROMPT:  How can <insert brand/product> effectively use influencer marketing to reach a wider audience?
  3. PROMPT:  How can you curate <user-generated content> to enhance your brand’s <online presence>?
  4. PROMPT:  What are some effective <content creation> strategies for <social media platforms>?
  5. PROMPT:  What are the best practices for optimizing website content for search engine rankings?
  6. PROMPT:  What are the latest trends and developments in content marketing, and how can brands stay ahead of the curve?
  7. PROMPT:  How can you measure the <impact> of your content marketing efforts <on lead generation and conversion>?
  8. PROMPT:  How can businesses use social media to build brand awareness and engage with their target audience?
  9. PROMPT:  What are some best practices for <re-purposing> existing content to <maximize engagement>?
  10. PROMPT:  When <creating a content calendar>, how can you ensure a balance between <educational> and <promotional> content?

ContentMarketing Storytelling:

  1. PROMPT:  Please generate a blog post on the importance of <topic> in <industry>, that is targeted to <ideal customer persona>, using language that captures their attention and provides relevant examples to demonstrate the value of <topic>.
  2. PROMPT:  Write an e-book that identifies the top <number> challenges faced by <target audience> in <industry>, and provides actionable solutions and case studies that demonstrate how our <product/service> can help overcome these obstacles.
  3. PROMPT:  Write a case study that features a real-life example of how <product/service> has helped a customer overcome a challenge or achieve a specific goal. This case study should be targeted towards <target audience>, and highlight the unique features, benefits, and value of the product/service.
  4. PROMPT:  Create an eBook that offers valuable insights on <industry/topic> for <ideal customer persona>. The eBook should provide actionable solutions and advice that can help improve their daily lives or businesses.
  5. PROMPT:  Develop a video series that highlights the unique features and benefits of <product/service> in <industry>, and showcases customer success stories for <target audience> to envision how it can improve their own workflows or processes.
  6. PROMPT:  Create a knowledge base article that provides a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use <product/service>, and includes FAQs and common troubleshooting tips for <target audience>.
  7. PROMPT:  Design an infographic that visualizes the key benefits and features of <product/service> in a simple and easy to understand way for <target audience>. The infographic should include statistics, facts, and other relevant information that proves the value of the product/service for potential customers.
  8. PROMPT:  Develop a series of educational videos that showcases the benefits of <product/service> and how they can be incorporated into daily life for <target audience>. These videos should be informative, engaging, and visually appealing.
  9. PROMPT:  Create a social media campaign that utilizes user-generated content to showcase how <target audience> uses our <product/service> in their daily lives, with a specific emphasis on how it solves their pain points or improves their productivity.
  10. PROMPT:  Develop a podcast series that explores different aspects of <industry/topic> for <ideal customer persona>. The podcast should include interviews with experts, behind-the-scenes stories, and actionable insights that can help listeners improve their daily lives or businesses.

Content SEO Copywriting:

  1. PROMPT:  Compose a series of email newsletters that highlight industry news, <tips/tricks>, and <company updates>, customized for <target audience> based on their interests and preferences.
  2. PROMPT:  Write a landing page that effectively communicates the value of your <product/service> and encourages visitors to take a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.
  3. PROMPT:  Develop a series of how-to guides that demonstrate <product/service> functionality, offering step-by-step instructions, screenshots, and tips for optimization, specifically tailored to <target user personas>.
  4. PROMPT:  Develop a series of email newsletters that provide valuable information, special promotions, and other enticing offers to your subscribers. Tailor your messaging to your <target audience>, and use engaging subject lines that make them want to open and read your emails.
  5. PROMPT:  Write a case study that describes how your <product/service> solved a problem for a real customer, and provide data and other evidence that supports its effectiveness. Use language that connects with your <target audience>, and highlight the features and benefits that differentiate your solution from others on the market.
  6. PROMPT:  Write a product description that showcases <key features> with concise and compelling language, targeted to <customer demographic> who prioritize <value elements>.
  7. PROMPT:  Craft a brand story that conveys the <company’s mission/values>, history, and unique selling proposition, using engaging language and storytelling techniques to connect with potential customers and build brand awareness.
  8. PROMPT:  Create an infographic that explains the complexities of your <industry/topic>, using eye-catching graphics and clear, concise language that appeals to your <target audience>.
  9. PROMPT:  Create a webpage that provides comprehensive information about <product/service>, including <unique features/benefits>, customer reviews, and frequently asked questions.
  10. PROMPT:  Generate a product description for <product> that highlights its unique features and benefits, and uses language that resonates with your <target audience>.

Content Performance Simulate Expert:

  1. PROMPT:  You are an expert in <branding>, having attended <New York University> and currently working at <Apple>. Can you offer any tips on how to create a consistent visual identity for a brand and improve content performance?
  2. PROMPT:  As a simulated expert in <video production>, having graduated from <University of California, Los Angeles> and working in <YouTube studio>, what are some things I can do to improve video content performance and increase views and engagement?
  3. PROMPT:  As a simulated expert in <marketing>, having graduated from <Harvard Business School> and currently working for <Google>, please provide your opinion on how to improve content performance on social media platforms.
  4. PROMPT:  You are a highly skilled content performance analyst who has worked with numerous companies across a variety of industries. Can you share your insights on how to optimize website content to improve search engine rankings?
  5. PROMPT:  As a content performance analysis expert with a degree from <university>, can you provide advice on how to improve the click-through rate on <website’s> blog posts?
  6. PROMPT:  You are an accomplished <SEO professional>. Having finished your degree at <Stanford>, you are currently employed at <Amazon>. Can you provide me with some tips on how to optimize my website’s content to increase organic traffic?
  7. PROMPT:  As a top-performing content analyst with a degree from <school>, what advice would you give to a company struggling to determine the optimal timing and frequency for their social media posts?
  8. PROMPT:  As a content performance analysis expert, you have an in-depth understanding of the importance of data analysis in creating high-performing content. Can you walk me through your process for analyzing content marketing campaign data to identify which strategies are most effective?
  9. PROMPT:  You have extensive experience in content performance analysis at <company>, and have seen a wide range of strategies used to analyze data. What have you found to be the most effective method for measuring engagement?
  10. PROMPT:  As a simulated expert in <content creation>, having graduated from <Columbia University> and working in <content agency>, can you share with me your advice on how to engage readers with my articles and improve content performance?

ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation PDF Download

10X your reach with ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation PDF. This essential resource is designed to spark creativity and streamline your writing process. Whether you’re crafting blog posts, social media updates, or marketing copy, our prompts are here to inspire you every step of the way.

Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to engaging, high-quality content! Download our free PDF now to access a treasure trove of content creation prompts and take your content to the next level. Don’t miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to content creation with ChatGPT as your trusted companion!

Get 541+ Content Creation Prompts – Complete List Here!

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Final Thoughts:

In the world of content creation, the magic lies in ChatGPT prompts for content creation. These prompts offer a key to unlocking your creative potential, guiding you to craft engaging articles and connect with your audience effortlessly. Whether you’re a budding writer or a seasoned pro, these prompts are your secret weapon. So, embrace this concept, fuel your productivity, and set yourself up for success in the digital age.

For more insights into content creation and unleashing your creativity, explore resources like this informative blog. Happy writing!

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